The critically acclaimed movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, an adaptation of the award-winning Harper Lee book by the same name, was released this day in 1962 in the US.
To this day scoring a whooping 93% on Rotten Toms, this superbly paced movie is a must-watch film that anyone can enjoy. It was the Winner of three Academy Awards.
The movie is set in the rural Deep South of the US during the Great Depression, its displays of humanity, childhood, prejudice.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a slice of life as remembered by “Scout”, a tomboy from the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama. It focuses on her and her slightly older brother, “Jem”, being raised by their widowed father, a small-town layer named “Atticus Finch”, and their Black housekeeper named “Calpurnia”. The Black characters are portrayed as equal to the white, something not often seen in films at this time. It covers about a year in their lives, focusing on an obsession with their scary, reclusive neighbor “Boo Radley”, and a court case in which their father defends a Black man. What makes “To Kill a Mockingbird” stand out is how hauntingly it captures the innocence of childhood. - Jays Classic Movies